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Bespelled by Laura Thalassa

Writer: alwayswanderingalwayswandering

Updated: Mar 13

Here is a summary with spoilers of  of Bespelled

Hours after the events from book one, Selene is sitting in a prison cell, still upset by her loss to Memnon, and still reeling at all the memories she just got back. Memnon arrives to come collect her and takes her to his home; a mansion tucked in the San Fran hills. She spends the night, and when she awakes, Memnon is gone and she is sore and has a terrible headache. After connecting to Memnon through the bond, she realzies she has some time before he gets back, so she breaks through his wards, and sets his house on fire, then returns back to her home. 

She goes to tell Sybil, her best friend, everything. Including that she has memories back. Sybil then mentions that while she was in prison, another witch was killed. She realizes that it was Memnon, thats why he didn’t get her earlier from the prison. He was making sure a body was found, as he was the one who set up Selene. And if they found a body while she was in prison, she would be released. Through the bond, Memnon gets to his burnt down home; he is humored by her actions. Then says it won’t be long before shse comes crawling back to him. Meaning that the bond they share, where she promises to marry him, will eventually be so strong, that she will beg for them to get married. But not before she gets answers. She asks to meet him in the forest, and Memnon wants answer about why she betrayed him. Selene then says it was never that way, rather, she died for him. She gives permission for Memnon to go through her memories. 

Transported back 2000 years, Roxi wakes up and knows something is wrong. Memnon won’t respond via the bond, and one of the soldiers is acting weirdly. She forces it out of him, their is a coup, they have already killed Memnon’s mother and sister, they are going to kill him, and put someone else on the throne, they give her the option to still be queen. Roxi finds her opportunity and runs with her familiar. They make it to a temple for sanctuary, but it won’t let her in. She tries giving the temple her blood, her tears, but it doesn’t take. She finally says she will give a secret; that she believes she is pregnant. She enters the temple, and is immediately stabbed in the stomach by Eislyn, Memnon’s second in command. She’s the one who betrayed them. She tells Roxi her plan of entombing Memnon for 100 years, and the only thing that will be left will be Eislyn. She will tell him it was all Roxi’s fault. Eislyn disappears and Roxi goes to find Memnon. She finds him in his tomb, she gathers all her power (realizing she is already dying), and puts a spell on Memnon, that he will sleep and sleep and the only way he will wake is by her hand, no matter how long it may be. Her last spell of this plan she is making up as she goes, is that everyone needs to forget Memnon. She uses the last of her magic to cast the spell, Memnon is forgotten, including from Roxi’s mind. 

Back in the present, Memnon is completely broken. He ruined Selenes life, was vengeful towards her, and she didn’t deserve any of it. In tears, he looks at her and asks for another bond, a bond where Selene will control everything he does, she commands him. She agrees, but wants him to know that it doesn’t mean she forgives him. Selene then asks for an adjustment to be made on their previous bond of marriage; that they both must be in love before they do so. 

Back to the original reason why Selene asked for his help, Selene takes him back to her room, where the note from the witch circle is waiting. They are searching for her, and she needs Memnon’s help to find out who is doing it. 

As they are searching for more clues about the witches, they run into one, Lauren. And from her they learn about Lia. Selene orders Memnon not to kill either of them, Lauren gets away, and Memnon then says she was there the night of the summoning circle, and she is a recruiter, she finds the witches for the circle. He also mentions that they are both after her. 

During one of her classes, Selene learns about bonds. She then finds out that the bond Memnon offered her can only end in death, there is no way to break it. 

It’s Halloween, and Sybil convinces Selene to go to the witches party, even though many of the witches are still suspicious of Selene. They have her drink a bunch of witches brew, which makes her a little out of it. But then another summoning circle happens. This time, Selene is ok with it, as it is the type of summoning circle that is normal. They open a gate up for other souls to come join them. Eventually, things get a little bit crazy, and she ends up asking Memnon to come to her, which he does, but not until she has already kissed Kane, one of the wolf pack. Memnon and Selene then finally sleep together, and have an intiment night together. 

When they wake, Selene demands to know about the witches that are being killed. Memnon reveals that he has been working for a family called the Fortunas who own Ensanguine Enterprises. When he first arrived, they tried to put him under a bond; he has been pretending to be under that bond since. Part of his job is to clean up bodies that they take care of. A few of those bodies are the witches he used to frame Selene.

Selene has a meeting with the wolf pack, to see if she is truly worthy of being a friend of the pack. She goes and they ask her about the night she saved Cara. She goes into details, and even talks about Memnon being her mate. In the end, the pack agrees she is worthy of protection. All of the sudden, Selene feels pain; Nero has been attacked. When she finds him, she finds the other witches, she attacks them and finds out they are working with Lia, and she is still looking for Selene. Memnon also appears, and he saves and heals both Nero and Selene. 

Memnon than convinces Selene to move in with him, as she is no longer safe at the coven house. She reluctantly agrees. She also slowly starts to realize, that she may have feelings for him. 

The next day Selene goes back to her classes, but it’s a somber mood. A wolf shifter has died. Kane reaches out to her, and wants to set up a meeting so they can ask Memnon questions. He agrees. When Memnon gets there; he is harmed. His work boss has been killed, and Memnon is now working for someone higher up, the sister named Juliana. But as punishment, he was cursed. Selene quickly heals him before they go to the meeting.  During the meeting, Memnon tells them everything l, and then threatens that the pack can’t tell anyone about what’s happened, otherwise he would be compromised. The pack agrees and a tentative alliance is formed. 

Selene and Sybil go out to a bonfire. Selene uses magic to ride a broom, and she feels free once again. When she arrives at the party a witch named appts gives her a drink. Then Kane arrives to talk with her, but stops once he smells her and says she smells off. She starts to feel worse so she runs away from Kane and finds her broom to go home. Half way there, she crashes, and breaks a lot of bones and is really injured. Memnon starts to track where she is, but a creature comes after her. And drags her to Lia. 

Lia tortures Selena’s, heals her and does it again. Then she brings in a summoning circle and binds Selena’s to her. Memnon is furious the whole time, but talks through the bond to keep Selene in a good space. Once she is bonded, Lia forces Selene to do some tasks to degrade her, then orders her to be beaten up again. Once Selene is all bloodied up, Lia makes her demands; Selene can’t harm her, she sets up meeting times to meet in the future, Selene must recruit other witches, and she can’t tell anyone else about the bonded. All of the sudden, Memnon comes in and spots Lia. He’s surprised and calls her Juliana Fortuna; his new boss. 

The two have an intense magical fight, and it ends with Juliana on her knees, and Memnon forcing a bond on her. His will is now hers. He then starts to get answers from her. Every month she delivers one of her witches to her brother and dad. She doesn’t know what happens to them. Sometimes they die, sometimes they are trafficked. Memnon sees how Selene reacts to this, and spells her to fall asleep. When she wakes, Memnon has cut Juliana up into pieces and promised it was a slow and painful death. He then takes her home to let her heal. On the way out, Selene sees a bunch of magical police and non magical police; Memnon alters their minds and walks right past them. 

The next day, Memnon leaves to take care of things. Selene goes to the coven and find Olga, the witch who spiked her drink. She says she is free, but Selene needs help and she will call in that favor later. She then goes back home, where Kade calls and says she needs to look at the news. The police are looking for Memnon, claiming he killed 32 people. Because of this, the pack won’t protect her any more. Selene asks them for one more meeting before they decide. At the meeting, everything is revealed. The pack talks, and they agree they will be there to help. 

Days go by, Selene finally admits that she belongs with Memnon, but the love part isn’t fully there, meaning that they are still in a bond. One day, Sybil calls Selene; her wolf boyfriend bit her, thus changing her into part wolf. Sybil says he did it to save her life. Turns out, she was bonded to Juliana’s sister, Sophia, who has been doing the same thing as Julianna. Sophia then shows up to Sybil, and  over the phone says she will kill Sybil if Selene doesn’t show up at the family business/auction later that night. 

They prep and get ready, and enter. They try to sneak in, but are found immediately, put to sleep and separated. Sophia takes Selene to her father, who promises to make her death painful, and vows that Memnon will be worse. He then has a spell book which he uses to summon a demon. A demon that will drink and eat from Selene before bonding to his client. When the demon comes, Selene starts talking with the earthly gods. They help her out, and she is able to kill the demon and send him back to hell. She then asks the gods to continue to kill both the client and Sophia’s father. It does, and it starts to take Selene as well. Luckily Memnon comes just in time to save her. They then make a plan to go back to the auction and save Sybil. 

They walk into the auction and it’s a blood bath. The wolves came and they destroyed. The last of the fight is going on and Memnon sees Sophia. He charges for her, but then he sees Eislyn, the one who betrayed him so long ago, the one who killed Selene. His magic goes crazy, and Selene realizes he can’t control it. He goes to Eislyn, but she disappears. His magic then starts killing people in the room, starting with Sophia. Bodies drop, and Selene realizes if she doesn’t command him to stop, he may accidentally kill a friend/wolf. She commands him to stop, Memnon looks at her, and realizes he doesn’t have to listen to her commands anymore, because Selene loves him; their bond is officially broken, and that’s enough to get Memnon to stop killing. They end up finding Sybil alive. But her wolf boyfriend is taking her back to the pack, she won’t be able to see Selene for a few weeks as she needs time to master her shifts into wolf form. 

The next morning, Selene wakes up to Memnon. She feels even more strongly for him because of the bond telling her to marry him. They decide to get married later that day. Selene then receives a text from Kane, saying they need to meet ASAP, and it’s about Memnon. Selene manages to sneak away, and Kane shows her a document. In it, it says that Memnon is now the owner of Ensanguine Enterprises; he only became owner because everyone he killed last night was in line for that ownership, but they all conveniently died. Selene realizes that Memnon is still the same ruthless king he was. Selene then hears Memnon through the bond saying it’s time for them to be married. 


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